I’ve been writing bits and pieces lately, but to be honest it’s all been really negative stuff.
About the environment, pollution, futlity of modern life blah….
So I’ve been trying really hard to come up with something nice, something positive – just anything but a moan!
Which can be hard to do, when you’re feeling morose, as everything sounds or feels trite, saccharin or contrived.
However, I’ve come up with this.
I hope you enjoy. Let me know.
Chip Escapade
Beachwards we race – work’s done, day over, coffee made
and travel-mugs filled. Today’s sky is clear, sunset’s
not over water; beach-dusk, though, is beautiful.
And tonight, we sit chatting nothing until, by
degrees, topics turn to honest thought, true feeling
and we discover our love once more. We talk dark
into a chip-escapade, race home – this is life.
The true religion. This is what we’re alive for.